Monday, 26 October 2015


On Sunday my family went up to Stratford in Taranaki and we went to watch the New Zealand hockey players it was a great shiny day and there were lots of stools and lollies and crafts sold in tents we went to watch the New Zealand hockey men's and women's both play Australia, the score for the Woman's hockey game that was played before the men's was 1-1 all, so they had to go to a penalty shoot out and New Zealand lost so Australia won 2-1, but while the New Zealand and Australia women's was been played a lady from Hockey Taranaki came up to me and said would you like to lead out the New Zealand's men Hockey players and I said yes so she said meet behind the courts at 2:50 so we did we all got given the same top for everybody there was a person per every player from Australia and New Zealand, I went the New Zealanders and I held there hand and walked into the middle of the field and then Australia went first at singing their national anthem, then it was us we were all on T.V singing the national anthem for our country it was fun then after the both national anthems we walked off the field and the game started, sadly  we had to leave but in the five minutes we had to leave Australia scored to goals I got lots of things on Sunday and it was a great family day out , Did you go? Have you ever been to a New Zealand hockey match? These are all the questions I am asking myself, let me know in the comments below also have you ever been to the T.V?

Here is a picture of all the things and cool stuff that I got on Saturday I got a panflit saying which game was being played a what time and all the players names, a bag, a wrist band some thunders sticks and socks for playing hockey as all my family at hockey players or have been hockey players.

This is the T-Shirt that all the people got given that were going out on the field with the players the color was red because they could not put black on black.

Also the people that were going on the field got given a free wrist on it said Go Hockey so we had to wear that and the red T-Shirt we also got to keep them at the end of the day which was a bonus thing we got. 

Saturday, 24 October 2015

The sunsets

Here are some amazing photos that i have taken of sunset when it sets at night and the sun when it rises in the morning all of these photos have not been edited on and there are no effects on them they are all original and also they have all been taken on my iPad. All these photos have been local to my area and all have been taken i North Taranaki except one photo that I took in Wellington when we were travelling to a rugby match. One of my favorite things to do it photography as I take my iPad everywhere but it shows results in the great photos. Have you taken any photos of the sunset? Do you enjoy taking photos? Let me know in the comments below.

This a photo of the sunset that I took at 7:30 when the sun was going do I took the photo out at the backyard of my house.

Here is a picture of the sun that I took just after the sun was coming up in the morning the photo looks a bit blurry because there was 

Here is a picture that I took of the mountain and with a sunset behind it the picture may appear blurry because I took the photo while we were driving.

Here is a photo that I took of a sunset on the farm it is so beautiful.

When I was down in Wellington on holiday I took some photos we went to the rugby finals the Hurricanes VS the Highlanders, I took the photo when we were heading to the game.

Saturday, 17 October 2015

New bunnies!!

Today we went outside and we found that Madalines bunny was pulling out its fur and putting in in the corner of the cage and nowhere else. After we got inside from feeding the bunnies we searched up why do bunnies mult. It said it could be having bunnies, or has a rash. Mum read some more and it said that what ever the bunny could find in the cage it would start combing that stuff with her furr but she wasn't doing it at the time. The next day after that we looked in the cage curious what it was doing because it was only Madalines bunny doing it and she was pulling out her furr. We looked where the furr was placed and we found that she had put the straw in it that we put in to keep them warm also the nest had got bigger and we we're suspicious. Two hours later we went and fed the bunnies and when the bunnies were eating the furr was moving, I moved a piece of furr and we found two pink little bunnies, when bunnies are born there eyes are shut and there ears are folded.

Here is a photo of the nest she made before she had the bunnies we could only see two bunnies so that's all we think there is but there is another nest there.

Here is a picture of the bunnies that I took.

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Hawera Intermediates shocking fire

Firefighters have been battling a large fire at Hawera Intermediate School since early Tuesday morning.

At least three classrooms are burnt out.

Hawera chief fire officer Mike Fairweather said they were called to the fire at 5.50am.
At the height of the fire three classrooms,a hallway,the school hall and to other classrooms at the back of the school were totally destroyed.
Hawera chief officer said there were 13 fire appliances and 48 firefighters from South Taranaki, New Plymouth and Whanganui at the fire, it took about two hours to bring the fire under control and bring out the flames.
After the fire and everything is cleaned up there next main step is to determain what happened to start the fire.
Maddison Greenhalgh a 11 year old girl from Hawera intermediate said she woke up to the sound of sirens and only realised half an hour later that her school was on fire. Her mother drove both her and her sister to the school to see what was happening.
Today there School day was canceled and they are trying to fling a replacement of where they are going to go and learn. 
Schools around Taranaki have offered to help out but there princapal said thanks but they need somewhere to acomadate 333 students some people that you may know.
I wish the best to the investigators to find the cause of the fire and why it started and the students, teachers, parent helpers and all the people at there school to find a new place to work and especially the fire fighters they have been working very hard and I hope luck comes your way. 

Sunday, 11 October 2015

The Taranaki game

Which team do you think is going to win? Comment below!! On Thursday the 8th of October my friend rang up on the phone and she said would you like to come to the rugby game held tonight the people playing were Taranaki and the Taranaki were playing Tasman, When Caro rang up and said if I wanted to go I said yes with out a dought. Them my mum talked to Caros mum and we found out it was the theme of onzies for the kids so we had to wear our onzies to the game to win prizes. The team isn't just called Tasman there real name is the Tasman Marcos. I had a great night and the final result was that Taranaki lost 35-18 to the Tasman Marcos. Here are some photos from the game.

My friend Caro and I before the game ready to do the onezie walk over for this we had to walk into the middle of the field while the players were practicing and walked back.

The bull for Taranaki driving before the game.

Here is a photo that I took during the game before they were having a scrum.

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Our visit to Air Zone

On Tuesday we went to Air Zone I went with my mum , my sister Madaline and myself (Jorja) Air zone is located in New Plymouth Taranaki we booked a time of 10:00am in the morning and you have a certain ellicated time to be in Air Zone we had a hour. When we got to Air Zone in New Plymouth we got special socks and mum said next time I am allowed to invite three friends and Air Zone is not the only trampoline place in New Plymouth there is another place in New Plymouth called Mega Bounce and people say that is really good as well. The rules at Air Zone were that only one person on a trampoline square at a time. As soon as we got there my sister Madaline and I (Jorja) jumped straight into the foam pit and I lost my sock as I was getting out of the foam pit. At Air Zone there were different parts to the trampoline areas there was another place where you could go play dodgeball and we went to play in there and we played dodgeball I won because I hit Madaline the most from her shoulder down. After we had finished our hour playing time at Air Zone we went to do some Christmas shopping and I got a new iPad case we had great fun at Air Zone and I'm looking forward to bringing my friends next time or we might be going to Mega Bounce.
Here is my story that I wrote about my visit to Air Zone.

Title: Air zone here we come

Air zone I shouted as I was excited for the first time visiting.

We entered the building sweat ran down my face, we walked to the counter and the man said "here you go" we got given blue air zone socks covered with orange grip at the bottom. He gave us a wristband to tell us where we were.

"Walk through this door please" the man said politely telling us the direction to go. We pushed the door open and we found....

Trampolines so many of them. Also a foam pit with a padded surrounding ensuring a soft landing.

We jumped right in and felt a soft landing as we were floating on a white fluffy cloud.

I had a great time at Air Zone playing different games and jumping and I'm sure to visit again sometime soon.

Thursday, 1 October 2015

Hamilton here we go

Mum had to go up to a appointment on the 30th of September and so we went with her and me and my sister went up. Since we have our nana and grandad up there cause they live up there we went up on the 29th and we stayed up with them the night. When we were traveling there we stopped and had lunch at tiffanies at Te Kawiti and we had a piece of bacon and egg pie then we traveled past Otorohanga and we met up with our friends living there as we were using up time and getting fresh air because it was a four hour drive from our house to Hamilton and I get a bit car sick and when we were visiting our friends I took a photo of the kiwi there the picture it up above. We then made our way to Hamilton to our nana and grandads house at Howells ave. When we got there we unpacked our bags and said hello we were happy to see them. Also my brother Harley lives there in Hamilton and he came round to nana and grandads house to see us cause we never get to see him as they are so far away after we said hello to them we went and done a few jobs that grandad and nana wanted done after that we came back to there house and relaxed and stayed the night. The next day mum had to go to her appointment at the Waikato hospital and that was at 9:30 in the morning and after that we headed home as we had to do the calves that night. When mum got home we found out that she had to go and have a operation in a couple of weeks or so. So we will be able to see nana and grandad again soon and next time we go up there the calves will almost be finished so we will be able to stay a few more nights. We headed home at 11:00am and we got home at 1pm.

Internet plagiarism

There’s nothing more infuriating than someone taking credit for your work. We want to believe that our work speaks for itself. But “in the r...