Monday 3 August 2015

Our trip up the Mountain

In the weekends we went up to Mount Taranaki we went to wilkies pools and Dawson falls in a couple of days I am putting a video up about it have you been up the Mountain? Comment below!! Do you like climbing (hiking) I sure do over the past few Sundays if we have been avalible not busy we have beeen going for differnt places for a walk or to look around a few weeks back you may have seen my past about Lake Rotakiri that is one on the many few places I have gone. Myself (Jorja) , My sister Madaline and mum and dad went up the rocky hills on Mount Taranaki. If you would like to visit my sisters blog click on this link here she has also been posting over the past week's-Madalines Blog. Here is some video and Images to show you what my amazing adventure was like.

This was created using the online site kizoa click on this link and check it out !!! The Kizoa site.

Kizoa slideshow: Adventures Up Mt. Egmont - Slideshow

This is my sister Madaline's slideshow she made about going up Mount Taranaki.

1 comment:

  1. Jorja
    There are some stunning images that you have produced here and this is a really strong post, a great location, wonderful idea and a fantastic piece of writing. Nice to see a reference to your earlier posts and mentioning your sisters blog! I really enjoyed reading this and think that you've made a fantastic post.
    Mr Webb


Internet plagiarism

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