Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Hockey prize~giving

On the 27th of August all the hockey players of our club Te Kiri gathered in the Te kiri hall to be apart of our prizegiving and our breakup. We all brought food and there was plenty of yummy food! 

There were also two trophies for each team that had you name engraved in it and the reason why you got it, the prizegiving started at the year 1-2 team and then  year 3-4, 5-6 and finally best for last!! Our team. We all received certificates that were kindly made by Claire Kalin, a big thanks to you. On the certificate it said Well done for a great season and also had our name in bold on it.

After the prizegiving for the teams were all done we all dug into the food, it was so GOOD!! I’m sure by looks of it everybody enjoyed the prizegiving and well done to all the players that received a trophy, Well done! I can’t wait to next year!!

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