Thursday, 7 April 2016

Year 5/6 rugby league tournament

On the Tuesday the 5th of April we travelled to Opunake for the year 5 and 6 rugby league tournament which was able for boys of girls.

Our Auroa Primary School team was Jorja (myself) ,Cruz, Harry, Te rou, Regan, Cobe, Jorden, Jonte, Peter, Mcullem, Quade, Kaiden, Teague, and Kameron and of course our coaches Noho and Jason. Our team was great!!! There were 4 teams competing including St Joseph, Kaponga, Opunake and us Auroa. Our first game was against St Joseph and ten minutes before the game we were practicing passing and kicking. Our game had begun.

Eeehhhh the whistle blew we were off to a great start and whithin 2minutes Regan one of my team mates had scored and then a couple more minutes later he had scored again. He was playing very well. It was halve time and I went off and Kameron came on. We were winning by 4 tries at halve time but then St Josephs caught up and sadly by the end of the game we lost by one trie and St Josephs took the win.

We then in our second game played against Opunake and I made some good and we were very fochunate to take the win. After that we had a twenty minute brake and kindly Kaidens mum offered all our Auroa Primary School team hot chips and of course we didn't say no. By the time the chips were made we had five minutes to go so Quade said "eat them fast" but then I replied DON'T because you will get stitch.

Lastly we played Kaponga and they had year 7 and 8's in there team so they were automaticly disqulified from all there games they were still able to play but they were not allowed to win cause it was a year five and six competiton. But we still played them and done very and only lost to them by one trie. But we automatically won. We then had prizegiving last.

The captain of the winning team St Josephs came up and then said a few words after that they had two special awards for the fearest players of all today, the first one went to Taine from the St Josephs team and then the man anouncing said " and the second one goes to someone from Auroa, Jorja symes" I jumped up and got my prize it was a rugby league cap and ball. I think Auroa done very well on the day coming second and we played very well. Have you ever played league or been watching comment below and let me know!!

1 comment:

  1. Jorja
    This is a very comprehensive and detailed report about the Rugby League Tournament - it was great seeing the detail and hearing about it from your perspective. I would think that this would have been great to put into the School newsletter. Don't forget that you do need to spell check your work and also be careful about some of the words that you've written because I think that you've missed one or two. Excellent job overall.
    Mr Webb


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