Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Our trip to Lake Rotakare

On Wednesday the 13th of April 12 people from Auroa Primary School including six children from our class room2 and six children from room1.

We were heading to Lake Rotakare for a school trip. We left school at 9:10am and we arrived there at 10:00am and headed to the learning classroom to have a meet and greet, we had this great chance to have this opportunity because of one of our old teachers at our school Mrs Darbeshyre is taking six months of school to go training for being a scientist and she gets to do cool stuff like finding insects and bugs and discovering new unknown species.

We were lucky enough that she was willing to take us for a trip this time. All the children that were coming including myself had to wear warm protective clothes so we were protected in the bush we also had to bring a water bottle, a head torch, lunch, rain jacket and old bag to carry all our gear in.
First when we got up to the teaching area she appointed out all the groups giving them a clipboard and our tracking tunnel cards that we had to lay out all across the section.

To accomplish putting out the tracking tunnels
we had to climb up steep hills and cross rivers
and streams. All the tracking tunnels were numbered and for every odd number we had to put rabbit meat and peanut butter as bate and for every even number we just had to put peanut butter as bate, after we had finished all our tacking tunnels we headed back to the learning centre to have lunch.

Once we had lunch we went out into the bush and tried to find a Peripatus, the Peripatus is a   velvet worm that had many legs and looks like a
 caterpillar, we split up into two even groups and we had a four by four metres to search in for the

Peripatus which is sixteen square metres we had about thirty minutes to search as we were getting later in the day. Someone screamed from the other group and I went to look what it was, it was a Peripatus since we had found one they got a box to put it in then we went back to the learning centre and we packed our bags before departing. I had a great day and enjoyed the experience.

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