1) At a Methanex Maths competition you get thirty minutes to answer six really hard questions That evolve around maths.
2) The children competing in this competition are not allowed to communicate with the parents in any way and
same goes to the parents.
3) There are many schools that competed in this competition all around the Taranaki region Auroa is one of the many few.
4) Click on this link here-Taranaki Methanex Maths it will take you to the Taranaki Methanex Maths Cometiton can see what they are up to.
You may not know this is not just a Methanex Maths Competition it is a creative science fair as-well and it gave me some ideas for my science experiment at Auroa Primary School this year (APS). Here is a photo of some of the work that has gone into this fair. I also created a video of some of the highlights of some of the photage/photos/videos that I took. I hope you enjoy it!!