Sunday, 30 August 2015

Methanex Maths Quiz (Year 7)

Last night I went with my sister Madaline Methanex Maths competition that was held in New Plymouth. My sister Madaline alongside Joe. Astin. and Jordan they competen in Methanex maths competition if you are not sure what this is or you haven't been to it before here is some information about it. It was also held at seven o:Clock at night time 7:00 pm.

1) At a Methanex Maths competition you get thirty minutes to answer   six really hard questions That evolve around maths.

2) The children competing in this competition are not allowed to             communicate with the parents in any way and
same goes to the parents.

3) There are many schools that competed in this competition all     around the Taranaki region Auroa is one of the many few.

4) Click on this link here-Taranaki Methanex Maths it will take       you to the Taranaki Methanex Maths Cometiton can see what they are up to.

You may not know this is not just a Methanex Maths Competition it is a creative science fair as-well and it gave me some ideas for my science experiment at Auroa Primary School this year (APS). Here is a photo of some of the work that has gone into this fair. I also created a video of some of the highlights of some of the photage/photos/videos that I took. I hope you enjoy it!!

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Sumo-Bots competition

Every Tuesday people from our school who are interested in Sumo-Bots/Robotics they go down to the big school hall at Auroa Primary School (APS) and make/created sumo Robots with Mrs Ericsson. We have six people from our class competing in it including CruzGypsyJamesonPaigeZariah-Jay and Teague. This competition is held just like the Moa Awards but not awards like that awards for the best winning Sumo-Bot that nocks the other Sumo-Bot that they are facing out of the battle area. The schools Auroa Primary School are facing are Matapu. Kaponga and Opunake. The children need lots of practice leading up to this competition it is a very hard task especially to build the Sumo-Bots from scratch. Making the Sumo-Bots is a continuas process as you have to design it, Get the materials which the school provides,and the building process. I hope our school does well in this competition GO AUROA SCHOOL!!!

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

A Message For Mrs Ladd's Cladd

Today Mr Webb our teacher at Auroa Primary school in Room3 pulled us out of class telling us that Mrs Ladd all the way over in the USA sent us a message saying we would love to have great welcome back message I was definitely up for the challenge to make a welcoming video for Mrs Ladd's class over in North Carolina, America. From Room Three at Auroa Primary School. I hope this year is going to be great and happy for you all. Our best wishes for your new school year, Caro, Jorja (Myself), Catherine and Mr Webb. We would love to keep in touch with your class and hope we can Skype some time to see what you have been up to and how your year is going. We loved making the video for Mrs Ladds class and we hope you enjoy it. COMMENT BELOW!! If you would like to visit there page click on this link here-Pine Valley Elementary School.

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

The Moa Awards


Last year our school Auroa Primary School (APS) and 3 other schools including Opunake,Kaponga and Matapu were lucky enough to compete in a competition called the Moa Awards. It is a series of tasks and entries that you can do.

-Best Student Blog (Intermediate and Senior)
-Best Teacher Blog (Only for the teachers)                       
-Best Short Movie (Junior, Intermediate, and Senior)                
-Best Animation (Junior, Intermediate, and Senior)           
-Best Music Video (Junior, Intermediate, and Senior)          
-Best Educational Video (Junior, Intermediate, and Senior)  
-Best Actor/Narrator/And performer out of the Videos
-Best Teaching With (ICT) (Teacher)
-Graphic Design Poster (Junior, Intermediate, and Senior)  
-Best Original Image (Junior, Intermediate, and Senior)                                        
-Best Maori Te-reo Maori Video (Junior, Intermediate, and Senior)
-Best Book Trailer (Intermediate and Senior)
-Also the supreme/overall winner out of the whole thing
(These are the only things that can be entered into the Moa Awards)

The Moa Awards people have put up a blog about it and if you are wanting to know some more information about it click on this link here-The Moa Kluster. Last year we also had old fashion cars that took you to Opunake event centre where it took place. When we entered the building there was a red carpet that we walked along and went into the room. This video here is all the highlights from the Moa Awards that were put together. If you are unsure about anything "Comment Below"!!! I hope this video sums it all up for you.

Explanation writing

WALT:Write a piece of explanation writing describing you science experiment for AKO this year
My Experiment:A Tornado in a jar
Statement:How is a Tornado formed/created

You may be wondering how does a Tornado form well I'm going to tell you.  

Just like all winds,Storms and Tornado's begin when the sun heats up the surface of the land. As the warm less heavy air begins to rise it meets the colder heavier air above it. Also wind shears make it even easier to set the Tornado's off. A wind shear is when two winds at different levels and speeds above the ground blow together in a location.

The fast moving air begins to spin and roll over the slower wind. As it rolls on it,it gathers pace and grows in size.

At this stage it is invisible.It is horizontal wind spinning and rolling like a cylinder. As the winds continue to build up stronger and more powerful warm air forces the spinning winds vertically upward. Causing an up draft. A up draft is a movement upward of air or other gas.

With more warm air rising. The spinning air encounters more up draft. The winds spin faster vertically upwards and gains more momentum.

The spinning winds create a vortex and then the wind had enough energy to fuel itself.

The Tornado is fully formed now and moving in the direction of the thunderstorm winds.

Sunday, 23 August 2015

The sunrise and the sunset

In the morning on Saturday I woke up at 7:00am and took this amazing photo of the sunrise. you may not know the sunrise occurs commonly around 7:11am.The other photo is of the sunset the photo I took was down the farm it was a amazing sight I took the photo around 5:00pm at night. The sunrises in the East and sets in the West. This photo was taken from the window in the lounge. Do you know what color the sunrise is? Have you ever took a photo of the sunset? These are all the question's I am asking myself. Comment below if you have any extra information about the sunset and the sunrise.

Saturday, 22 August 2015

8,000 pageviews

Thank you to all the people that have visited my blog over the last few months it is great that I have finally reached this number mu next goal is to get 15,000 by the end of the year. At Auroa Primary School my friend Caro who is im my class she has got over 10,000. Click on this link here to visit to Caros blog-Caros Blog I hope you enjoy it!! First of all I would like to thank my teacher Mr Webb for the great support in helping me get my blog up and going this year. There were no hassles. I would also like to thank my viewers. I hope you enjoyed looking at my blog I sure lover looking at other blogs for help. I hope you found some inspiration to get your own blog up and running in the next couple of weeks.

This is a image off my blogger these are the stats I am getting weekly,Monthly and all Year I hope you keep visiting my blog so I can reach my goal of 15,000 at the end of The year.

Thursday, 20 August 2015

My Experiment 
A tornado in a jar
A clear plastic bottle with a cap
Dish washing liquid


Step 1:Fill the plastic bottle with water until it is three quarters full.

Step 2:Add a couple drops of dishwashing liquid.
Step 3: Sprinkle in a few pinches of glitter, this will make your tornado easier to see.
Step 4:Put the cap on tightly.
Step 5:Turn the bottle upside down and hold it from the bottom.
Step 6: Quickly turn the bottle round and round for a few seconds and stop and look inside
to see if you can see a mini tornado forming in the jar.
If  you manage to create a tornado in a jar at home. I would love to hear from you!! "Comment below".

Saturday, 15 August 2015


When we on holiday I was luckey enough to get these polished gemstones. We got them from the Te Papa musieum in Wellington and I was wondering do you know any information about them? comment below If you have any extra imformation that is not written down it will be much epreciated if you let me know I would love to hear from you.

Amethyst is a violet the color of Violet it is often known as a variety of of quartz often used in jewelry. The name comes from Ancient Greek. Rare kinds of Amethyst can be found in Siberia.Amethyst was used as a gemstone. This picture shows where the Gemstone Amethyst is found.
Quartz, Tibet.jpgQuartz:There are many different varieties of quartz including Rose Quartz, Smokey Quartz, Citrine and lastly Milky Quartz.The word "quartz" is invented from the German word Quarz.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Howlet: Crystals of Howlite are rare, having been found in only a couple locations worldwide. Howlite is commonly used to make decorative objects such as small carvings or jewelry.                           

Monday, 10 August 2015

Our unusual visitors

Last night when dad went to sit down on his chair I noticed a brown weta crawling along the side of the chair. I grabbed the shovel and and placed it carefully I threw it outside with no hesitation onto the wet grass. We them went inside and noticed.....another one this time it was crawling along the side of my chair. We were not sure if it was a family or if they were related because they were located close to each other. Do you know anything about Wetas? If you do know anything I would love to know comment below!! I would love to hear from you. This photo was taken by myself (Jorja) It was taken with the flash on so it may look darker.

Information about Wetas
Did you know there are five different species of wetas:

The giant weta:
The tree weta:

The tusked weta:

The ground weta:

The cave weta:

If you would like to find more information about this bug Weta click on this link here-Wetas

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Writing a biography


WALT: Write a biography about a fictional person/character

Who am I doing? Lisa Simpson

Lisa Simpson is eight years old. She is a fictional character from the movie The Simpsons.

She goes to Springfield Elementary school. Her parents are Marge and Homer Simpson. She has two siblings an older brother Bart and a younger sister Maggie.

Lisa loves playing her saxophone and likes listening to jazz music. She has three grandparents Abraham, Mona and Jacqueline. She also has two aunties Patty and Selma Bouvier.

Her previous jobs are working for the poor and writing stories for itchy and scratchy.

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

My Bunny

 I have a bunny called Bubbles and my sister Madaline has a bunny called cinnamon This video I made is about my bunny bubble's. I have to feed it once a day and feed it rabbit pallets-(Rabbit Nuts)
It also love's carrot's like many other rabbit's do and we are only allowed to give them citrus fruit's twice a week as a treat. I take my bunny outside for some exercise for twenty minutes a day it really enjoy's to stretch it's legs. Madaline and I take turn's at feeding the bunnies. The video I created was using the app Imovie it is a great way to display your work. Check it out!! I was wondering do you have any bunnies? What do you feed them? How long do you give them exercise? Comment below I would love to hear from you.

Monday, 3 August 2015

Our trip up the Mountain

In the weekends we went up to Mount Taranaki we went to wilkies pools and Dawson falls in a couple of days I am putting a video up about it have you been up the Mountain? Comment below!! Do you like climbing (hiking) I sure do over the past few Sundays if we have been avalible not busy we have beeen going for differnt places for a walk or to look around a few weeks back you may have seen my past about Lake Rotakiri that is one on the many few places I have gone. Myself (Jorja) , My sister Madaline and mum and dad went up the rocky hills on Mount Taranaki. If you would like to visit my sisters blog click on this link here she has also been posting over the past week's-Madalines Blog. Here is some video and Images to show you what my amazing adventure was like.

This was created using the online site kizoa click on this link and check it out !!! The Kizoa site.

Kizoa slideshow: Adventures Up Mt. Egmont - Slideshow

This is my sister Madaline's slideshow she made about going up Mount Taranaki.

Internet plagiarism

There’s nothing more infuriating than someone taking credit for your work. We want to believe that our work speaks for itself. But “in the r...