Our Minecraft Video
This our Minecraft Hawera Water Tower video that we won the best educational video for and also I would like to credit Mr Bloor for helping us film the video and different parts of it.
Highlights from the Moa Awards
Also here is a video my teacher Mr Webb created of the Moa awards Mr Webb also done well and one the best class blog for Auroa Primary School well done Mr Webb.
Here is the picture of the trophy that I got it says the best student blogger intermediate and a big Moa Kluster written on the top. The trophy is made of plastic but is mistaken as been glass.
Here is a picture of the certificate I got with the best educational Minecraft water tower entries that Jayden, Caro, Mackenna, Rico and myself done.
Here is a picture I took of the certificate that I got for the best year 5/6 five and six blog that they judged.
The Moa awards, the Moa awards are a series of awards that you can enter in and win prizes. The Moa wards aka the Moa Klusted is made from 4 different schools Opunake school, Matapu school, Kaponga school and of course Auroa Primary School. The event has only been going for two years and it is the second year now last year I did not get into any categories but my sister Madaline did and she won with her educational video last year. But this year it was different I entered in 4 (four) categories and the four categories I entered in were my music video that I done with Bethany, Caro and Jorja ( myself ) the next one I entered in was original image and a educational video with Jayden, Rico, Mackenna, Caro and Me. The last one I entered in was my school class blog. The categories you want to enter in get put into one big folder within the four schools in the categories. After all the entries are in the folder they get sent to judges all over the world and they judge our entries they then choose the top four entries and my Minecraft group with the educational video were lucky enough to get in the top four also I was luck enough to get in the top 4 year 5/6 five and six school blogs. When I got to the Moa awards last night on the 10th of November. The night was packed and everybody from the community came to the Opunake event centre where the Moa awards took place. When you got there you had to give your ticket to Mr Chittenden our school principal if you would like to go in. Because of the amount of people going there were 700 people isn't that a lot. We had to sit in our School groups and we had four areas set up for each school. Mr Bloor a very talented filmer from Auroa school made all the video and editing for the night he was also so busy helping everyone at our school film there videos. There were lots of amazing entries but there could only be one winner in each category....... Who will it be? Will I win? here comes the blogs I said to my friend Caro the top four people were all from our school and in room3 ( my class) Ebony, Mackenna, Caro and Myself and the winner is Jorja Symes. I was so happy I walked on the stage and got my certificate and trophy. Next up was the year 7/8 seven and eight blogs the four people were Madaline (my sister) , Kyah, Emma, and Meg and the winner is....... Madaline I was cracking up laughing because I just won the blogs for my year and she won as well I was so happy for Madaline next up was the educational videos for year 5/6 five and six come on guys I said to my friends who made the video with me we were all crossing our fingers hoping we were the winners, and the winner for the educational video is Minecraft water tower. WE WON we all went up and got our certificate but the problem is that if you are in a group and you have lots of people it will not be fare to keep the trophy yourself so our teacher and school puts it into our trophy container the last awards was up the supreme winner all over the night and it goes to Auroa Primary School The bum race made by Kyah and her brother Duran Bloor we got a massive trophy and Kyah and her brother Duran got a T.V. I had a great night and it was amazing that I won in the two things I entered in. Have you ever won any awards? Did you go to the Moa awards? These are all the questions I'm asking myself comment below and let me know the answers to these questions!!! If you would like to visit the Moa Kluster page click on this link here-
Moa Kluster