Sunday, 17 May 2015

Our visit to Lake Rotakiri

Yay all my family went to lake Rotakiri and we went for a 2 hour walk my sister,Mum, and dad joined me through the walk my sister Madaline and I took lot's of photo's I took around 50 photo's and here is some of the many phew good pictures I took also here is some information about lake Rotakiri all the land around it is fenced of in a big net because they are afraid of and sort of bad animal or pest getting into lake Rotakiri because it has alsort's of different bird's some you would of herd about like the tui,Kiwi even the fantail if you would like to also find out more in formation then click on the link it will tell you about the walks and the native bird's  Lake Rotokare
Also I was wondering if you have been to some amazing places? If so I would much appreciate it if you comment below.
Throughout this post you will see people in the picture's if so they are myself or my sister Madaline 

1 comment:

  1. Jorja
    I saw this when you first posted it and thought - it was okay but it was needing a description, wow! What a great job and how much detail that you've put into it. Really detailed brilliant quality post.
    Mr Webb


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