Thursday, 22 May 2014

My Time To Shine

My Time To Shine
Finally our class was called out everyone is waiting for their name to be drawn then...... Mine was.

Walking up towards the stage, slowly does it, adrenalin running down me spine everyone was watching me like eagles watching their prey. I finally reached the steps come on Jorja you can do this 4 more steps and your there.

Here goes nothing I murmured to myself. Three more steps and your there it's not that hard! Well for me it is. Dig it in I thought to myself. When I do things I finish them the floor boards cracking under my feet and with only 1 more step to go........ And I'm there. See it wasn't that hard after all.

Plus I got a reward at the end of all that fuss and I thought I done well !!!!!!!

By Jorja


  1. Good story jorja. Cruz

  2. nice story. What is it about.

    1. caro
      It is about myself walking up the stage to recive my prize at prize giving a couple of years ago

  3. It is good jorja I like the language features

  4. i like the the story with all the language features.
    Caro room4


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